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তুলাতলী মঠ

ঠিকানাঃ গ্রামঃ তুলাতলী, ইউনিয়নঃ ৯নং কড়ইয়া, উপজেলাঃ কচুয়া, জেলাঃ চাঁদপুর।


ঠিকানাঃ গ্রামঃ তুলাতলী, ইউনিয়নঃ ৯নং কড়ইয়া, উপজেলাঃ কচুয়া, জেলাঃ চাঁদপুর।


মোবইল নম্বরঃ ০১৭৩১৪৯২৫২৭

Tulatili Matha Historical Time Approximately 250 years ago, in 1770 BC, the zamindar of the then zamatani mani majumdar established this math. This historic monastery is located on the 10th century in the beautiful Tulatali village of Ward no 3 of Kariya Union Parishad No. 9 of Kachua upazila of Chandpur district. Narayan Temple on the 7th century land on this monastery. Every year in the month of Chaitra, thousands of people are held in the gathering.
This monastery is under the auspices of the Comilla Museum, under the Ministry of Culture, in 1976, under the patronage of Shah Rasti, Abdur Chattar, Village: Naura, upazila.

Address: Village: Tulatali, Union: 9th Kariya, Upazila: Kachua, District: Chandpur.